Silver bar Argor Heraeus 5000 g

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Silver bar Argor Heraeus 5000 g

manufacturer: Argor Heraeus
purity: 999/1000 Ag
weight g: 5000

Availability: N/a

The price is final after sending the order (at the time of trading).

Price without VAT 120 373 CZK 4 757,43 EUR
Price with VAT 145 651 CZK 5 756,49 EUR
Buyback price 100 824 CZK 3 984,82 EUR

Silver bar Argor Heraeus 5000 g

Swiss sterling silver ingots, certified by the Swiss company Argor-Heraeus SA, meet the London standard Good Delivery The supplier's, refiner's logo, unique number and weight are listed on the top of the ingot.

Other weights Argor Heraeus

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